Individual Development Plan

Postdoctoral appointments are a time to explore career options and set short-term and long-term goals. The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is intended to be a tool in this endeavor. IDPs serve as a functional document that identifies a postdoc's professional development needs, career objectives, and annual progress. The IDP can also serve as a communication tool between postdocs and mentors to discuss shared expectations and goals for the year. The Postdoctoral Programs Office recommends a minimum of three formal one-on-one conversations between postdoc and mentor:

  1. An initial meeting;
  2. Annual meeting(s) to discuss progress;
  3. An exit interview at the conclusion of the appointment.

The myIDP website is a resource where you can learn about the value of IDPs and it is a tool that you can use to evaluate your skills set and set goals.
